Boosting Up School Education towards
European Citizenship and Labour Market

"Schools cannot effectively work alone. They need to move from isolated and short-term actions to engaging in a more holistic and systemic initiatives" (European Comission, 2008).


The project

 UP2B project is a strategic partnership of School Education, created by Companies, Universities, NGOs, Education Local Authorities and Schools, from South, North, East and West of Europe, cooperating for promoting motivation at School (for students and teachers) and for preparing students for their future life as workers and Citizens.
The project’s integrated approach of formats, contents and expertise was based in previous needs assessment during the partners’ regular activities and envisages to enhance School Education, aiming Social Cohesion.


-To enhance school attractiveness, diminishing rates of demotivation and absence and rates of early school leaving

-To facilitate the relationship and the transition between School and the Labour Market

-To increase students’ sense of citizenship by generating awareness about the labour market

-To increase the sense of European Citizenship and its core values of equity, namely concerning Gender, Minorities and Human Rights, as fundamental Educational aspects

Target group

-Students aged 12-16 years old

-Teachers of such students

- School communities (School as an Institution: managers, administrative staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities)

-Teachers of teachers

-Operators of other education domains (as VET and Higher Education)

-Operators of the labour market


Project | Partners | Results | Dissemination | Contact

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